So since the release of black ops 2 I've been kinda out of focus with my projects so it might be sometime before my next one is released so please be patient and I will be releasing more projects, I will keep checking daily for any messages, comments, and stuff like that but writing wise I'm on "break" lolz but anyway please enjoy my new song "W.T.F." I guarantee you'll enjoy it and of course check out my other songs (please rate/comment, thumbs up for 5) and I will be back, Thank you guys for supporting me and helping me out it really means a lot to me. So while I'm on "break" please send me suggestions i would be more then happy to try them out but i don't wanna hear "ooooo do something like skrillex" because i don't like his style (nothing against him) but anyway keep checking the page and the music I shall return from "break" <----- that still makes me laugh XD